FastSitePHP FastSitePHP FastSitePHP

FastSitePHP Rocketship FastSitePHP Rocketship PHP

A Modern Open Source Framework for building High Performance Websites and API’s with PHP

  • Better Sites

    Better Sites

    FastSitePHP has been designed for fast performance, coding flexibility, long term stability, ease of use, and a better overall development experience. Using FastSitePHP you can create better sites faster than ever.

  • Great Performance

    Great Performance

    With FastSitePHP complex pages can be generated within thousands of a second using only a small amount of memory. This level of performance even allows for sites to run fast on low powered computers.

  • Easy to setup and use

    Easy to setup and use

    FastSitePHP is designed so that it easy to setup to on any OS, easy to read the code, easy to develop with, and much more. With FastSitePHP high quality websites and apps can be developed at a rapid pace using fewer lines of code and minimal config.

  • Quick to learn and debug

    Quick to learn and debug

    FastSitePHP is well documented and comes with practical samples. FastSitePHP provides developer friendly error messages so that errors can be fixed quickly even if you have little or no experience programming with PHP.

  • Strong Security

    Strong Security

    Security has been carefully planned in all features of FastSitePHP so that it is both secure and easy to work with. Security features include Encryption (text, objects, and files), Signed Cookies, JWT, CORS, Proxy Server Validation, Rate Limiting, and more.

  • Web Based Unit Testing

    Web Based Unit Testing

    Most frameworks are tested from a developer’s computer using special CLI tools; however this doesn’t guarantee that it will work in your environment. FastSitePHP’s provides a web based method of testing so that all code and page speed can be easily confirmed in any environment.

Sample Code


// -------------------------------
// Setup
// -------------------------------

// Setup a PHP Autoloader
// This allows classes to be dynamically loaded
require '../vendor/autoload.php';

// Or for a minimal site only the following 2 files need to be included
// require '../vendor/fastsitephp/src/Application.php';
// require '../vendor/fastsitephp/src/Route.php';

// Create the Application Object with Error Handling and UTC for the Timezone
$app = new \FastSitePHP\Application();

// -------------------------------
// Define Routes
// -------------------------------

// Send a response of 'Hello World!' for default requests
$app->get('/', function() {
    return 'Hello World!';

// Send a response 'Hello World!' for the URL '/hello' or in the case of the
// optional [name] variable safely escape and return a message with the name
// (example: '/hello/FastSitePHP' will output 'Hello FastSitePHP!')
$app->get('/hello/:name?', function($name = 'World') use ($app) {
    return 'Hello ' . $app->escape($name) . '!';

// Send a JSON Response that contains an object with basic Site info
$app->get('/site', function() use ($app) {
    return [
        'rootUrl' => $app->rootUrl(),
        'rootDir' => $app->rootDir(),
        'requestedPath' => $app->requestedPath(),

// Send a JSON Response that contains basic Request info
$app->get('/request', function() {
    $req = new \FastSitePHP\Web\Request();
    return [
        'acceptEncoding' => $req->acceptEncoding(),
        'acceptLanguage' => $req->acceptLanguage(),
        'origin' => $req->origin(),
        'userAgent' => $req->userAgent(),
        'referrer' => $req->referrer(),
        'clientIp' => $req->clientIp(),
        'protocol' => $req->protocol(),
        'host' => $req->host(),
        'port' => $req->port(),

// Send the contents of this file as a plain text response using
// HTTP Response Headers that allow for the end user to cache the
// page until the file is modified
$app->get('/cached-file', function() {
    $file_path = __FILE__;
    $res = new \FastSitePHP\Web\Response();
    return $res->file($file_path, 'text', 'etag:md5', 'private');

// Return the user's IP Address as a JSON Web Service that supports
// Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and specifically tells the browser
// to not cache the results. In this example the Web Server is assumed to
// be behind a proxy server (for example a Load Balancer) and the IP Address
// is safely read from it. Additionally the cors() function is called from a
// filter function which only gets called if the route is matched and allows
// for correct handling of an OPTIONS request.
$app->get('/whats-my-ip', function() {
    $req = new \FastSitePHP\Web\Request();
    return [
        'ipAddress' => $req->clientIp('from proxy', 'trust local'),
->filter(function() use ($app) {

// Define a function that returns true if the web request is coming
// from a local network (for example or This
// function will be used in a filter to show or hide routes.
$is_local = function() {
    // Compare Request IP using Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
    $req = new \FastSitePHP\Web\Request();
    $private_ips = \FastSitePHP\Net\IP::privateNetworkAddresses();

    return \FastSitePHP\Net\IP::cidr(
        $req->clientIp('from proxy')

// Provide detailed environment info from PHP for users requesting the page
// from a local network. If the request is coming from someone on the internet
// then a 404 Response 'Page not found' would be returned. Calling [phpinfo()]
// outputs an HTML response so the route does not need to return anything.
$app->get('/phpinfo', function() {

// Provide a Text Response with Server Info for Local Users
$app->get('/server', function() {
    $config = new \FastSitePHP\Net\Config();
    $req = new \FastSitePHP\Web\Request();
    $res = new \FastSitePHP\Web\Response();
    return $res
        ->content(implode("\n", [
            "Host: {$config->fqdn()}",
            "Server IP: {$req->serverIp()}",
            "Network IP: {$config->networkIp()}",
            str_repeat('-', 80),

// If the requested url starts with '/examples' then load a PHP file for
// the matching routes from the current directory. This is a real file
// that provides many more examples. If you download this site, this code
// and other examples can be found in [app_data/sample-code].
$app->mount('/examples', 'home-page-en-examples.php');

// -------------------------------
// Run the application
// -------------------------------