
File System Sync

This class provides the ability for syncing of all files and directories from one directory to another directory. This class compares files using a hash (defaults to 'sha256') and updates the files if different. Additionally new files, deleted files, new empty directories, and deleted directories are handled.

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File System Sync

// Create a FileSystem Sync Object
$sync = new FastSitePHP\FileSystem\Sync();

// Sync files and directories (folders) from [dirFrom(path)] to [dirTo(path)].
// The sync is recursive so all files and directories are synced in all
// sub-directories. Required functions are [dirFrom, dirTo, and sync].
// To view the results call [printResults()] after calling [sync()].
// All options with defaults are shown below.
    ->summaryTitle('File System Sync Results')
    ->dryRun(false) // Set to [true] for testing


dirFrom($new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set the directory to sync from (source directory).

Returns: string | $this

dirTo($new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set the directory to sync to (destination directory).

Returns: string | $this

excludeNames(array $new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set an array of files/dir names to exclude. If a file/dir matches any names in the list then it will be excluded from the result. This property does not handle files in nested directories. For nested files use [excludeRegExPaths()].

Returns: array | $this

excludeRegExPaths(array $new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set an array of files/dir regex path expressions to exclude. If part of the full path matches any regex in the list then it will be excluded from the result.

Example usage:

Returns: array | $this

summaryTitle($new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set the summary title used for report output when calling [printResults()]. Defaults to 'File System Sync Results'.

Returns: string | $this

dryRun($new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set a dry run boolean value for testing. When set to [true] no changes will be made when calling [sync()]. Defaults to [false].

Returns: bool | $this

hashAlgo($new_value = null)

Getter / Setter Property

Get or set the hashing algorithm for comparing files when syncing. Defaults to 'sha256'.

Returns: string | $this


Sync files and directories (folders) from [dirFrom(path)] to [dirTo(path)]. The sync is recursive so all files and directories are synced in all sub-directories.

To view the results of the sync call [printResults()] after calling this function.

Returns: $this


Output the result of [sync()] as a text summary. This includes a list of all affected files and directories and summary counts. This function will typically be used for CLI output, however if used on a web server then <br> will be used for line breaks.