
File System Search

This Class has functions for searching the local file system for files and directories. Additionally URL Lists can be built from a list of files.

This class works by setting the root search directory/folder [dir()], setting various search options, and then calling one of [files(), dirs(), or urlFiles($url_root)] functions.

Código Fonte


Código de Exemplo

Busque por Arquivos e Diretórios (Pastas)

// Crie um Objeto Search do Sistema de Arquivos
$search = new \FastSitePHP\FileSystem\Search();

// Para utilização básica, especifique um diretório raiz com o comando
// [dir()] e então chame [files()] ou [dirs()]. Um array the nomes correspondentes
// será retornado.
$files = $search->dir($dir_path)->files();

// Funções são encadeáveis então quebrá-las em uma por linha pode tornar o
// código mais fácil de ler.
$dirs = $search

// [all()] can be used to return both directories and files
list($dirs, $files) = $search->dir($dir_path)->all();

// URL lists can also be generated from matching files.
$url_root = '';
$urls = $search

// Existem várias funções com critérios diferentes e podem ser utilizadas
// para filtrar os resultados. Neste exemplo uma busca recursiva é utilizada
// para encontrar arquivos PHP que contenham o texto 'FileSystem'. Quando
// uma busca recursiva é utilizada, o caminho completo dos arquivos é
// retornado a não ser que [includeRoot(false)] esteja definida.
// Veja a documentação e exemplos para todas as funções.
$files = $search


dir($new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Get or set the root directory for searching.

Retorna: null | string | $this


Reset all options other than the root search directory.

Retorna: $this

recursive($new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

If true then sub-directories/folders will be searched when either [dirs() or files()] are called and the full path will be returned.

Defaults to false.

Retorna: bool | $this

includeRoot($new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Applies only when using [recursive(true)]. If set to false then the root search directory will be excluded from the returned file/dir list.

Defaults to true.

Retorna: bool | $this

fullPath($full_path = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

If true then then the full file paths will be returned when [dirs() or files()] are called. Defaults to false, however when [recursive(true)] is used then the value will always be true.

Retorna: bool | $this

fileTypes(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of files types to filter on when calling [files() or urlFiles()].

    $search->fileTypes(['png', 'jpg', 'svg'])

Retorna: null | array | $this

includeNames(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of files/dir names to include on when calling [dirs(), files(), or urlFiles()]. If a file/dir matches any names in the list then it will be included in the result.

    $search->includeNames(['index.php', 'app.php'])

Retorna: null | array | $this

includeRegExNames(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of regex patterns to include on when calling [dirs(), files(), or urlFiles()]. If a file/dir name matches any regex in the list then it will be included in the result.

    $search->includeRegExNames(['/^app/', '/.htm$/'])

Retorna: null | array | $this

includeRegExPaths(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of regex patterns to include on when calling [dirs(), files(), or urlFiles()]. If part of the full path matches any regex in the list then it will be included in the result.

Retorna: null | array | $this

excludeNames(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of files/dir names to exclude on when calling [dirs(), files(), or urlFiles()]. If a file/dir matches any names in the list then it will be excluded from the result.

    $search->excludeNames(['.DS_Store', 'desktop.ini'])

Retorna: null | array | $this

excludeRegExNames(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of regex patterns to exclude on when calling [dirs(), files(), or urlFiles()]. If a file/dir name matches any regex in the list then it will be excluded from the result.

    $search->excludeRegExName(['/^[.]/', '/^testing-/'])

Retorna: null | array | $this

excludeRegExPaths(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of regex patterns to exclude on when calling [dirs(), files(), or urlFiles()]. If part of the full path matches any regex in the list then it will be excluded from the result.

Retorna: null | array | $this

includeText(array $new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify an array of search text that matching files must contain to be included in the result. If running from a web page or web service then this option should only be used against known files because it does not exclude large files from be opened.


By default text searches are case-insensitive which is controlled by the [caseInsensitiveText()] function.

Retorna: null | array | $this

caseInsensitiveText($new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

Specify if content searches defined from [includeText()] should be case-insensitive or not.

Defaults to [true] which means that ('ABC' === 'abc').

Retorna: bool | $this

hideExtensions($new_value = null)

Propriedade Getter / Setter

If set to [true] then file extensions will be hidden on the result. This only applies to [files()] and requires [fullPath()] to be false.

Retorna: bool | $this


Returns an array of file names in a directory matching the specified criteria.

Retorna: array


Returns an array of directory names in a directory matching the specified criteria and excluding the dot directories '.' and '..'.

Retorna: array


Returns an array of url names for files in directory matching the specified criteria.

Currently this option doesn't work with recursive directories [option: recursive(true)].

Retorna: array